Our Little...Growing...Forever Family

Our Little...Growing...Forever Family
Our Little...Growing...Forever Family

Friday, October 4, 2013

Summer Wrap Up!



Summer in the Valley continued...

We enjoyed the Summer really in hindsight...we did love time with family, Nathans graduation from boot camp and time soaking up every moment with these two little misses!

These picture says it all---half dressed eating ice cream, yes oh yes it was on average 110 degrees outside and these little ladies were hot! Sophi constantly mentioned it felt like fire lol!

This trip to Chick fil A was not a favorite time for my dad- crazy busy and free food it you dressed like a cow!

 Time with great grandparents!

Nathan's Grannie and Grandpa Trevor

 Sophi playing with my Grandpa Francis

Sophi and my dad have a unique relationship he does what ever he can to get her riled up and she loves being provoked! But always there is a calm in the storm.
My dad enjoyed getting to watch Everli change and she loved him watching :)

Time at Grannie and Paps's house with Auntie Grace

A few nights at Nina (my gram)and Auntie Lisa's
Love Sophi's awkward position so focused on the tablet!

Here are just a few of the random moments we shared...



Sophi is licking Everli's baby food jar....hmmm

I always steal these moments!          


It's amazing the amount of photos that are taken, especially 
when your 3 year old loves having them taken!

Well the time came---

Nathan graduated Basic Training for the Air Force 

July 25, 2013

Everli was ready to see her daddy!
Sophi too- and lets just be totally honest-
I was so ready I had calculated the details down to the moment! We flew to  San Antonio TX- rented a car and a hotel and patiently sat and waited and waited and well waited even more!

This one moment seeing the girls with their daddy made me at peace! I knew having him away for 9 weeks would be tough --- sure who wouldn't...what I was not prepared for was how much Sophi was going to miss him and well, behaviorally it was obvious! But we made it! Well the first leg anyway! Having children when your husband is away truly made me realize how nice it is to have an extra set of hands to change a diaper, give a bath or good nite prayers and kisses- some extra support when they are sick or simply to tell me hey your doing a good job in person...and a letter just want the same! 

 Upon completeion of graduation loved ones precede to play the biggest 
game of hide and seek ever possible!

The game- find your loved one among the other 
600 graduates, your Airman
 cannot move or acknowledge or shout out! 
Mind you you are beyond excited and 
now you have to find him! Wow!
 Nathan and his bro Joseph (Joe had just graduated)

Graduation was a 2 day event and then we were allowed to spend the weekend as a family.

The Monday after Nathan would be transferring to Goodfellow AFB in San Angelo TX!

1 month later we would follow!

Packed and ready we ventured a fun 12 hour drive to TEXAS- you've heard everything is bigger in Texas right?
Some how we even fit the dog!

We enjoyed a few nights stay in a hotel !

Before arriving in Texas we had rented a place sight unseen. We moved in and had to wait a little over a week- for Nathan to get to live with us! We had to camp out for about 3 weeks waiting for our things to arrive. We have made in home- home until January!

The pic below depicts some of the sight unseen challenges that we will gladly endure as long as we are together!

Our master bedroom a lovely 4 color miss match---

Living room color wall---hmmm as well!

We have learned a lot during these last few months! We miss and love our families and yes-- we do miss Arizona and the comfort of having so many friends! But for now we are going to be here in Texas!

Fun For the Mr!

We did Buy Nathan a fun little car to get to and from base he loves it and learned to drive a stick in less than 2 hours!

 Our Girls are-a Growing


Everli is now an 8 month old big girl with and amazingly sweet personality.She loves food but truly is a mommies milk fan!  Sophi and I enjoy every morning watching her wake up- well waiting for her to wake up! She has 2 teeth and is not crawling- thank goodness! She is happy and has the cutest laugh and loves to have a solemn face to many- but she comes alive with us!

She is trying so hard to be big!



Miss Sophi is the brightest and loudest little one ever and her spirit screams look at me! She loves to sing primary songs and anything Disney! She truly began the change in our lives and we just love her to pieces! She is the best big sister ever!

Looks Like Trouble 



She now has a big girl bed and loves primping herself pretty!   

To be continued...