Our Little...Growing...Forever Family

Our Little...Growing...Forever Family
Our Little...Growing...Forever Family

Friday, July 12, 2013

Summer Lovin--Happens so Fast!



Well since it is half way thru summer and I don't know anymore than I did at the beginning of summer, its time for an update!


The Doyle Family has had many changes this year - with many more coming! Mini re-cap...we had a baby and wow has she grown! Nathan received an official date in which he would be leaving for Basic Training in the Air Force- which was May 27.  We sold our home! We moved all our things to storage and the girls and I moved to Chandler (Phoenix area) to live with my dad.  We are living in transition, not knowing when we will all share 1 roof- but we are anticipating a fun adventure!

Drum roll please ======>

    End of March...

I had told Sophi to get dressed - well lets just say she was convinced this was her outfit, not Everli's. Despite the 0-3 month size she had no problem getting it on! In fairness it was hers first! 

Gotta love the "thanks mom for capturing my, no good, horrible, bad day!"  It did get better tho:)

 This was the moment we began to call Everli bug eyes. After some thought, maybe bright eyes sounded better!
 Rest assure she is going to grow into those eye balls!

Make no mistake there is always a baby outfit that simply wins ya over!  This is that one for me...and lets face it she does the owl motif too well.

Ahh... sooo little Miss Everli- she is such a sweet little baby, who has the potential to change the world!  Honestly she has changed ours- and manages to make our family take time and enjoy the little simple moments.


            Daddy's and Daughters...


There is something about a daddy and his little girls!
This man especially, is putty in Sophi's hands-and she knows how to use her charm! She truly loves her daddy and although she doesn't fully understand all the changes that lie ahead they both know they are loved beyond measure and will be taken care of!


           I love to see them snuggle





       April- no showers but plenty of PACKING!

 Its amazing how the big sister has to quality assure each toy and inspect the quality of entertainment it may provide! We are learning that her approval is far more important than our concern for the babies safety-yes this has cause a few ruffled feathers * but Sophi has been the best big sister!

To big sister Sophi- you have amazed us in your love for Everli and the fact that you have assisted in every diaper change (always asking if she pooped ha) and checking on her every need, reaffirms the abilities you will have as you get older. You are more than a helper!

April 14 Everli's Blessing

We were so very grateful to all those that came! She is divinity this little one, and her blessing seems to be an indicator that she will be a help to many others in her life! She takes the world in and just has the sweetest smile...Her potential is grand and I have no doubt she will live to this promise!
I am blessed to have the priesthood in this home and know thru Nathan faithfulness we will be okay while he is away...

May -- Just marks the beginning of many changes


Ohhh the things we do for love- the love of chocolate of coarse.
 With Sophi and I, this love of chocolate runs pretty thick--no Brownie pun intended!!!!  You see I'm not the only one who adores my Kitchen Aid, which I will make up reasons/excuses to use! Did you know it can  shred chicken - WOW I know!  No matter the excuse she is always willing to help me eat clean the beater, every-time!

OK lets call a spade a spade! This is just weird and yet I can identify her need to to challenge the norm! Besides she is right handed, logically she can now pull the toilet paper easier.... and maybe just maybe only pull 5 sheets not 10! Sophi loves to pose for the camera...can you tell?

Below I captured the sweet 2 seconds Everli spent doing tummy time...Not sure if I'm alone in this but she acts as if I'm torturing her!

 This is the last picture inside our house <above> :(  
bye Prescott Valley we will indeed miss you and all those that call you home...I'm sure our story will never be the same buttttttt --(slowly wiping tear) new stories and adventures ahead. (Selling our home was a great blessing and only took 3 weeks)

Oh how I'm going to miss my high ceilings! 


As part of the Summer of change Nathans last day of work was the 17th of May - we took a few days to pack it all up and get down to the valley! 

Ps who moves to Phoenix in the summer- CRAZYYYYY! 

We really wanted to spend some time as a little family before being apart!


 Mum in law Julia was a welcomed phone call- she rescued us from a hot summer day and invited us to stay a night at the Squaw Peak resort and let me assure you we enjoyed our selves! Sophi was a little float-tie fish! Everli just chilled! We even brought the dog who loves to travel!



 ....And So it begins- our life as an Air Force Family

 I have found myself doing a lot of thinking about this choice our family has made...Many mixed emotions to say the least but with the benefits of health care and money for education it seems a right direction for us! Plus as many of our family knows for some reason we like to move. Yes the time apart has been a test beyond measure and it has also been a reality check for me as a wife and mother... But we both knew we can do this! Nathan left us with a few video's of prayer and hello's for those days where we just need to see him! We have loved receiving his letters and the few phone calls. One letter mentions a lady sergeant, maybe 5 feet tall-  who he quickly stated she is mean!...He also made reference to me in comparison in that I was an angel ha! See he appreciates me too :)))I knew Nathan did so much for us but I REALLY know now- We are getting excited, we will be seeing  him graduate in less than 2 weeks at Lackland Air Force Base, in San Antonio  TX.

Nathan swearing in - sadly denouncing his English citizenship  and waiting for his turn for his last bit of paperwork!

My little Sophi is quite the photographer

  One last picture before we left him at the airport! Bye Mr. see you soon!

  Let the girl time begin... 

June Bloom Sweat

Every morning is better when big sister wakes you up :)

Mommies Birthday! June 9 
Sophi and I decided (Everli along for the ride) that we needed a big cupcake!
We also met up with Aunt Lisa and Gram at the Cheesecake Factory-YUMMY!

 We enjoyed a fun day with Grannie and Papa the next day! 
Johnny Rockets and the Sea Life Aquarium

Everli wasn't in the mood for this Kodak moment

 We love any photo op 

-Sisters are so Sweet-

Cousin Ben was married and Grannie Margaret came over from England to celebrate...She requested Sophi meet her at the airport! There is a tradition involving a yellow umbrella and Mum in law Julia waves it from the roof as Grannies plane arrives! So fun and yes they were toasty out there- Papa and Aunt Grace and I enjoyed the air conditioning inside the car!

Rough Life :)

Here is Everli at almost 5 months- we tell her she eats like a truck driver---and is very demanding about having quick bites!
She began her request for food with the grandparents at Mimi's Cafe. She thoroughly enjoyed their carrot bread, and acted like a snapping turtle!

 Here is Papa and Sophi enjoying ice cream, they both love Blue Bells Moose Tracks...

We met up with Aunt Jackie for a fun date!

Ways we keep entertained in this cesspool of heat!

 Chick-fil-a play center - our favorite place to cool down here in the valley! We come here at least once a week. and love their 50% off for Military

Fun shots and loving Everli's blue eyes...

Painted piggies

Cute Girls

July July 

 We do go to Papa's pool and I try desperately to wear Sophi out-but she revives to quickly!
We do something daily and as my dad says we seem to be gone the whole day- He quickly realized during one of our outings, that having little ones + car seats+ stroller or carrier just takes more time- :)

 Here we are Church'n it single mom style- an adjustment for sure. Sophi  has had to connect that her other Sunbeam friends from Prescott Valley weren't  going to join her....Sad- for sure!
We are keeping to ourselves and have made zero friends- it's really hard to make friends when were not staying to long! We did go for a pool date with a family in the ward which was very fun!

The Beach-

 Dear oh Dear Dana Point the city that holds a sweet special time in my life
I finished High School here and spent many years enjoying the weather! Aunt Lisa had been after us girls to join them for the 4th of July not sure if it was guilt (I'm on vacation while Nathan is training) or stubbornness but I said no! The day before they were to leave I was laying in bed dreading the hot day ahead and figured what the heck we were going- so glad we did!  Not only did we have the best weather we enjoyed the best fireworks and so many laughs!

 We were her in October when Everli was in the Belly! I figured we may not know the next time we will make it to California!

This Girl loves her some Sand Castles

Right before the fireworks began!

More Sand Castles

  We loved this shot of Gram as she looks at the Llama she says "How are ya" he kept coming closer to her very interested in her!

 This is cousin Gage and although he mentioned Sophi was annoying him- he quickly recovered and they had the best time enjoying the fireworks and the trip!

 Below is the pile up that Aunt Lisa couldn't have prepared for!
Sophi had to join her cousin Cassidy to make Aunt Lisa scream...

 Our Summer isn't complete without some story-time and this fabulous shot in the Chandler Public Library's bathroom- we did just enjoy a guitar session with songs and a story- so cute! But this 2 child bathroom act has now been perfected! Sophi sits on my bad which is in the corner and holds Everli- then Mommy is happy!
Everli like Sophi hates her baby carrier- truly thinks its the devil so she is carried by me:)) Everywhere or strolled! Yes I cater but can cope with less stress in the car as she loves her seat that she can see out of the window!

Well bye for now thank you for catching up with us and we will have much more to tell very soon!