Our Little...Growing...Forever Family

Our Little...Growing...Forever Family
Our Little...Growing...Forever Family

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Where is the summer going?

May was pretty great...or was it? Who knows I cannot really remember what we did in May! We did sit for a family in Prescott and truly loved being with the boys! Sophi thought it was pretty cool having older kids to hang out with.We lost our camera at a park in May, and had it returned the next week! Yay, unfortunately all the pictures were deleted but I was able to look at several of the pictures of the family that found it! Weird!

              We did go to the valley (PHX) and spend some time with my dad and bro+fam!

Sophi and her daddy...both drool and have an arm bent...to cute!

                     June Lets see what can I congure up and try to remember what happened in June...

We have a nudist


eating again...


Prescott 4th of July Parade with Aunt Lisa

She was very ready to go!

 Bye for now!